Request A Free Original Gay Short Story!

Hello Visitor!

Do you like sex fiction? Would you like a gay short story written just for you?

Domination, Romance, Betrayal, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Soldiers, Cops, Westerns, Athletes, Superheroes, Daddies, Robots... you name it, I'll write it just for you!

Everyone who makes a request... will get a Short Story!

If it turns out well... I may try and make art for it too! So request away!

The only thing I ask in return if you make a request is that you educate yourself on the science of homosexuality by reading some of my blog entries I have written here.

Why Gay Men Exist

The Importance of Gender to Story

The Problem with Rainbows

I believe gay men should know, from balls to bone, that science is decidedly on our side. And I often wonder how true that currently is. In the end, science is no small ally in a time of need. And it is indeed our ally.

If you are not a gay, I'd just ask that you remember to think of us as the friends we are, the next time you hear or see someone casually attack or dismiss our community. Our numbers are so small, that in the end, we will need all the allies we can find the next time anyone chooses us as their next target of ease. 

To request a story, please email me at I'd like to write you an original story about mostly still functioning adult men, so no fanfiction, children, over the top gore, or vaginas attached to XX chromosomes. (Vaginas attached to XY chromosomes on the other hand are A-Okay!)

So please write to request a new gay fictional tale of your own, and I'll get on it right away!

Thank you for your time!

