Fall of the Tower


by Fin




Cuffed to a chair. 

Surrounded by an impenetrable force field. 

Deep within the heart of enemy territory. 

Sure, the situation had never been worse.... but The Tower remained undaunted nonetheless!

He was a hero!

No, not just a hero...

He was The Hero! 

The unbelievably handsome, incredibly muscled hunk had conquered so many foes that he was a living legend!

Every time some evil supervillain, rogue state, or unleashed mutant army threatened the world, The Tower had been there to vanquish them. Over and over again. Until eventually "The Tower" had become a name both revered and hated around the globe.

With his dashing good looks, drool worthy built physique, and commanding presence, The Tower was the default hero for every citizen to adore! The man had no equal!

So how had he ended up here? In such a dire situation? 

Actually The Tower couldn't quite remember. 

And that fact was the first about this predicament that actually had him worried!

It was almost as if he was drugged! 

But that could not be!

Such a thing was impossible!

Not even a molecule, not even a photon, could penetrate his skin! The Tower was completely impervious to all harm. 

Invincible from head to toe, the man had never once experienced any sort of pain in all of his 35 years of life. Bullets and bombs... death rays and daggers... no matter what sort of weapon was aimed at his massive 8 foot tall body, all would bounce off his furry frame without leaving nary a nick or a scratch. 



Beyond victorious.

So even as he sat naked, chained, hooded, and captive, The Tower was not truly in any real danger! His might powers would keep him totally safe!

But as the gorgeous bound invincible man struggled to collect his scattered thoughts, the hero began to feel uncharacteristic foreboding. 

Eventually the truth became clear, even in this state. 

Somehow the unthinkable had occurred. 

Somehow his enemies had found a weapon that could breach his awesome defenses!

How else could he be so confused? 

How else could he have no memory!?

Feeling unusually frustrated, The Tower called out into the darkness! 

"I've had enough of this! Show yourselves cowards!"

His deep manly voice echoed off the chamber walls around him. 

"I think you'll find Tower, that you're no longer in any position to be giving orders," came an answer out of the black. "Ever again to anyone, in fact."

The Tower growled. He did not like to be taunted.

He was a man! 

A winner! 

A leader!

"Once I'm free of these chains, you won't be so smug, you bastard!" shouted the beautiful manacled hero. "No one can defeat The Tower!"

Laughter filled the room, in response.

Confident laughter.

"No one... until now, Tower!" continued the mysterious voice. "Guards! Remove the prisoner's hood. Let our "hero" look for the first time on the faces of his new masters!"

Within seconds the darkness surrounding The Tower retreated into glaring brightness. 

Blinking his eyes, the handsome hunk was soon able to see once again. 

The muscular man was chained in the center of a windowless cement room. Only one exit visible. 

Most likely underground. A room built to withstand a detonation. Or contain one...

And more importantly... he was not alone. 

On the far wall, a row of computer consoles was attached to several dish arrays all aimed in his direction, monitoring every last readout of the hero that his captors could manage. Standing in front of them though, was a large bald man in a lab coat, smiling intensely at his victim. Flanking him on all sides were guards armed to the teeth. Not that their measly weapons could harm The Tower though. 

"Welcome to your new home Tower!" called out the obese doctor. "I trust you find your new accommodations comfortable, slave."

The Tower grimaced in the cold steel chair that held his naked muscular body. While his powers kept the hero safe from harm, he had only been gifted with great strength, not invincible might. He would have to wait for the right moment to attempt an escape. Until then, they were in a standoff, or so the hero thought.

"You can't scare me, you criminal, whatever your name is," taunted The Tower back at his foe, "You all look alike to me!"

The fat man's smile did not fade in the slightest. 

"I can only but guarantee you will remember mine, Tower," spoke the doctor. "I am The Doctor."

"How original," replied The Tower. 

"It suits me just fine," said The Doctor in return as he approached the center of the room to stand just outside the thrumming force field. "It does explain how you are in here."

The Doctor tapped his skull as he spoke, and grinned once more. 

The Tower grew angry.

 "What have you done to me!" the hero growled.

"Only what had to be done Tower. Only what had to be done," answered The Doctor. "You've displeased too many for too long, boy. Powerful men. Violent men. It seems that they joined together to form some sort of consortium. One large enough to afford my services."

A group of supervillains dedicated just to thwarting him?  That was enough to give even The Tower pause. 

"And what exactly do you do?" The Tower pressed again in search of the reason for how he had been taken captive.

"I am particle physicist," smiled the rotund man menacingly. "I know that might not sound too dastardly, but just look what science can do in the right hands."

The Doctor gestured to the naked bound hero before him, then continued on.

"Your body, the miracle that it is, boy, does not allow foreign energy to breach beyond its surface," said The Doctor as he thumbed a remote to turn off the force field.

"An impenetrable wall to anything in this universe," continued the vile fat man as he rested his sweaty palms on The Tower's muscular shoulders. "But I know of universes far beyond this one, dear boy."

The Doctor stared directly down into the hero's eyes. 

"You could say it's my specialty." 

Whatever the madman had done, it had worked. The Tower still felt what he thought must have been dizziness, never having felt anything like it before.

"With the technology I have developed, I am able to send electromagnetic waves through the dimensional barriers between worlds. And then back again to ours. Anywhere I please. Like inside your brain for example, Tower."

So it was true then! 

The man that could not be harmed... had finally been scratched!

"It's going to take more than a fainting spell to stop me, Doctor!" shouted The Tower at his enemy.

"Indeed, quite so," said the large bald man with a frown. "Do you know how much power is required to maintain the state you are in?"

"A nuclear reactor?" answered the hero in a snarl.

"Three in fact," replied The Doctor with a sigh. "And look how little it does in the end. Nothing more than a headache!"

"I think you'll find The Tower does not fall easily, Doctor."

"But fall you will boy! And the crash will be most pleasing to all, rest assured."

The two just stared at each other unblinking. Enemies to their core. Enemies in a fight to the death!

The Doctor then started to move his hands resting on The Tower's meaty bare shoulders, almost as if massaging them.

"I know you can't feel this Tower. That the abilities that keep you safe from harm, also prevent you from feeling anything at all. The sting of a knife, or the caress of a lover. What an ironic tragedy, don't you think?"

"I think I'll take it, in this circumstance," said The Tower eyeing The Doctor unevenly, as the man continued to touch his exposed skin. 

"But would you, really?" questioned The Doctor, his eyebrows peaked in interest. "Would you really turn down the call of sex, if you ever felt it for the first time? At the age of 35, would it really matter to your body if it was someone as repulsive as me that would be the one to give it pleasure?"

"I'm not gay, Doctor," answered The Tower blankly at his captor.

"And as I said, Tower, it will not matter."

The two foes continued their stare down silently, before The Doctor began once again.

"You see, boy, a superhero is more than just his powers. What makes one super, also lies in their will."

The Doctor's evil smile returned.

"And that is what I am going to take from you boy. When you feel what you have been missing all these long years, Tower, you will thank me for what I have done to you. You will beg me for more!"

"Never!" shouted the hero caught off guard by the strange attack.

"We shall see, Tower. We shall see."

"Activate the Neural Network!" called out The Doctor to his henchmen, and a slew of activity began at once.

Levers pulled.

Buttons pressed. 

Switches switched.

The wall of electronics in front of The Tower whirred into humming, blinking life. The Doctor's mad experiment had now officially started!

"You're crazy if you think you can break The Tower!" yelled out the bound hero as he watched the flurry of activity dedicated to his defeat.

"When you're dealing in the realm of alternate universes Tower,  I think you'll find that sanity is a yoke that must be shed!" grinned the fat scientist as he twerked one of the muscular hero's round fleshy nipples. 

The Tower, feeling none of the manipulations, continued to stare his enemy down.

"Do your worst, Doctor!"

"Don't worry, Tower. I will!"

The Doctor then once again turned to his henchmen.

"Is the other prisoner ready?"

"Yes, Sir... we are ready to begin on your orders!"

The other prisoner? 

The Tower had no idea whom that could be! 

Then a dormant neuron, asleep due to The Doctor's devices, finally fired, and the giant soldier remembered. 

Remembered what he had been doing, and remembered whom he had been with!


Nathan Quick!

The Tower's best friend!

The Tower's sidekick!

The two of them had been on a mission together, infiltrating a criminal arms syndicate.

Nothing had been out of the ordinary though, and the stealth operation was going exactly as planned.

That was until the pair had reached their destination. 

An unmarked warehouse that was to store the weapons of mass destruction.

"There's nothing here Tower! What gives!?" exclaimed the cute 20 year old soldier to his friend.

The warehouse was empty.

It took The Tower only a moment to realize what was going on.

"Nathan! Run! It's a....."


But the trap had already sprung before the hero could finish his words. A burst of localized energy had condensed itself around the two from a universe outside our own. 

Nathan, having no superpowers himself, besides his own innate athletic agility, was knocked out cold immediately.

The Tower, meanwhile, staggered to his knees, his vision swimming before him. 

Little did the hero know that The Doctor had just utilized several million ion batteries worth of stored electricity in one massive blow in order to incapacitate the mighty hero. 

A gamble that had to work, or the scientist's own life would be in peril.

And a gamble that had worked indeed!

Within moments a black hood was tied around the heroic giant's head, while his thick muscular arms and legs were tied behind him. The enemy soldiers knew they only had seconds to act, before The Tower would recover!

"He's down! I repeat, The Tower is down!"

The Doctor had then switched his devices to emit a more calming confusion ray, one that utilized far less energy.

"Bring him below. Bring them both below!"

Now, in the present, The Tower finally knew the situation.

"LET HIM GO!" the naked bound man bellowed with such force that even the confident Doctor took a step backward.

The Tower flexed his massive biceps and once more tried to break free of the shackles that held him to the cold steel chair. 

But it was still no use! His bindings had been created of a titanium alloy that would contract whenever force was applied to it. There was no way the hero could free himself!

"How touching," remarked The Doctor with a smirk. "I wouldn't worry too much about your dearest friend though Tower. I have no intention of harming him. Quite the opposite in fact. I'm going to give him what he's always wanted."

"And what would that be, you monster!"

"You'll see Tower. You'll see."

The Doctor then called out to his soldiers once more.

"I think it's time to bring in our second guest, gentlemen."

Nathan Quick, soldier and sidekick to the great Tower, entered the underground room handcuffed and chained. The lithe athletic young man's naked smooth pale body glistened with nervous sweat as he was led on a leash by a team of armed soldiers.

Upon seeing his best friend and teammate, equally held hostage in front of him, Nathan called out to his comrade!


"Nathan! Are you okay!?"

"I've been better big guy," said the defeated soldier as he struggled to walk due to the weight of the chains. 

"You'll all pay for this, I swear!" yelled The Tower, finding it unbearable to look at his friend so.

"Now, now Tower, no need to be rude," said The Doctor as he strode toward Nathan. "I am doing you both a favor. Secrets are no good for a friendship after all!"

"Nathan, what does he mean?"

"I have no idea Tower!" said his sidekick equally confused.

"Well then, please take a seat and I'll explain, dear boy," said The Doctor shoving Nathan brusquely into a steel chair of his own directly in front of The Tower.

"What a reunion!" said the mad villain as he took a step back to admire the view. "Hero and sidekick. Man and manfriend. Bull stud and... simpering faggot."

The Tower looked confused. The massive giant thought that it must have been The Doctor's rays though, as he could not for the life of him understand what the man had just said.

Nathan Quick, for his part, turned beat red.

"Nathan... are you sure there isn't anything you want to say to your friend?.... Your big, strong, oh so manly friend?" taunted The Doctor, as he burst out into a fit of laughter.

Nathan bit his lip, and stayed quiet.

The Tower, on the other hand, was a bit more loquacious. 

"Nathan... what does he mean?" said the mighty hunk of a hero searching his smaller friend's cute embarrassed face with his eyes. 

"I have no idea Tower! I swear!" proclaimed Nathan desperately.

The Doctor only continued to laugh.

"What lies, boy! What lies!" said the villain, mirthfully. "But I can't say that I did not expect it, young man. You've been able to keep your secret for quite some time now, and it might just take some... assistance, to pry the truth from your lips."

"You stay away from him Doctor!" shouted the hero once more, valiantly defending his best friend. 

"Come now, Tower! Aren't you at all curious what Mr. Quick has to say?"

The Tower just stared at his friend, whom only shook his head slowly and silently in return. 

"Then it's decided!" called out The Doctor! "On with the show!" 

The Doctor then jabbed a needle into Nathan's right buttocks, and injected the lad with a potent sexual stimulant!

"Ouch!" cried out the lad, as heat started to swell within his youthful frame.

"Stay strong, Nathan! I swear I'll get us out of this," assured The Tower.

But his sidekick's head was already swimming in a haze, as a thin, long erection rose unbidden from his groin. 

"I know, Tower," whispered Nathan sleepily. "I know... you'll never let me down."

The boy's head lolled to the side, as he began to drift into slumber.

"And how do you know that Mr. Quick?" asked The Doctor maniacally as he grabbed the young man by his head, and forced him to once more look on his naked friend in front of him.

"Because of how... strong he is... because of how noble he is... because of how..."

"Yes... Mr. Quick? We are waiting..."

"Because of how... handsome he is," murmured Nathan unaware of how he had just let slip his secret.

"Yes, I'm sure he's very attractive dear boy, to a worthless faggot like you," continued The Doctor, as he looked at The Tower grinning. 

"Yes... to a worthless faggot... like me," repeated Nathan dreamily. 

The Tower looked as shocked as a man could be. The hero had no idea that Nathan had been attracted to him this whole time!

"Those are the drugs, Doctor," said the hunk after taking a moment to calm down. "I know my friend."

"We'll see how much you believe that after what is next Tower," said the evil scientist. "I still have more tricks to show you, fool."

Turning to his henchmen, The Doctor spoke again.

"Is the Neural Network charged and ready?"

"Ready when you are Sir!"

"Excellent!" exclaimed The Doctor! "Time to watch the sparks really fly!"

The underground room began to hum as a massive amount of energy arced out of and back into our universe.

"Are you starting to feel it Tower?" questioned The Doctor. "Are you starting to feel yourself fall?"

The man's delirious laughter filled the heroes ears, as he did indeed began to feel a bit strange.

"Are you beginning to see yourself through Mr. Quick's eyes, slave?"

In fact, if The Tower was not confused, he was indeed starting to see double! 

"What are you doing to me!?" cried out the muscle bound hero!

"Simply transmitting Mr. Quick's brainwaves to your own, you moronic fool!" taunted the scientist, "If your body can not be harmed Tower, then I will twist your mind!"

Soon the hero's vision was dominated by a view of himself, but from Nathan's perspective!

The 8 foot tall blonde muscle hunk looked absolutely drool worthy.... to himself!

"Kiss your heterosexuality goodbye, Tower!"

So it was true... Nathan had been into him sexually! 

Why had his friend not told him!?

And now his sidekick's latent desires were dooming the poor hero himself!

"You might not be able to feel touch yet slave, but I for sure can make you feel what Mr. Quick does when he finally gets what he's always wanted!"

"Guards! Untie the prisoner!"

Nathan was on The Tower in a flash, his mouth sucking on The Tower's luscious lips as the smaller naked man sat on the giant's lap.

"Ohhhh... ohhhhh!" moaned the confused hero! 

Is this what touch felt like?

He was finally having sex! 

But it was with himself!

Nathan's hands ran along The Towers massive pecs, across his washboard abs, and over his huge muscular biceps! And the hero was forced to feel each delicious touch as if he was a gay man himself!

"I love you Tower! I've loved you for so long!" groaned Nathan as he slurped on the hero's corded neck, and down his furry chest, giving the muscular hunk a succulent wet tongue bath.

The Tower tasted his own erect nipples, his own meaty shoulders, and then finally his own swirling tongue, as hero and sidekick made out with each other in a fit of uncontrollable lust.

So this was what it felt like to be attracted to The Tower! He had heard from so many of his fans for so long! His own awe inspiring beauty was overpowering!

He had to fight it!

He had to have more!

"Nathan... you have to resist..." urged the mighty hero to his friend.

But instead the younger man only chowed down face first on The Tower's massive waggling cock!

The taste of dick (his own even) filled the hero's mouth, as his best friend deep throated his hard-on with wild abandon! 

To please a man! To feel his hardness down his esophagus! To taste his sweet sticky man goo! The Tower was being given a crash course in homosexuality... and his native brain was faltering under the sensation overload!

Who wouldn't want to suck a cock, if this was how good it felt!? 

And since the hero had never once been able to have sex with a woman, the only experiences his mind now had of erotic pleasure were gay ones!

"Oh fuuuuck," groaned The Tower, "I want it deeper down our throats Nathan! Suck me harder!"

Obeying like the good sidekick he was, Nathan gobbled his hero's cock all the way down until his cute button nose was buried in The Towers groin, his wet slobber covered chin bouncing on the hunk's hefty sweaty balls.

The Tower's head tilted backward as he imitated in his own mind, the intense cock sucking his friend was giving his own dick! Drool spilled down the hero's cheeks as he became lost in the sensation of blowing himself as a gay man.

"If only you could see yourself now, Tower. The once proud hero... reduced to nothing but a horny animal in a matter of moments!"

Even as overcome by his sidekick's lust as he was, the mighty soldier still felt the shameful sting of The Doctor's words!

The Tower had always wanted to find a way to have sex someday! 

But not like this! 

Not with Nathan of all people! 

Not with his best friend in the whole world!

But having sex with himself through his sidekick was just too wonderful to resist, and when Nathan's lips were once again against his own, both muscular giant, and lithe soldier groaned into each other's mouths for more.

Everyone in the room was hard as a rock as they watched the two heroes make love to each other in a sensual display of unbridled passion! 

"I guess it's time for me to reveal the next part of my insidious plan," taunted The Doctor. "What kind of mad villain would I be if I didn't soliloquy!" 

But if The Tower heard the man's words he did not show it, overwhelmed by the sensation of pawing at his own hairy sweaty muscles. 

"You see Tower, your powers, and your sexuality are inherently related! The more your body was denied the pleasures of a real man, the more it overproduced the hormones that made you invincible!"

Just then, Nathan advanced the gay schooling of his best friend, by lowering his bubble butt down on The Tower's wet quivering member! The macho stud's eyes opened wide as he felt his own cock fuck Nathan, but from his sidekick's point of view! 

"Oohhhh!" moaned the hero! 

He was so big! 

The huge man had always known he was well endowed! 

But never did he expect to learn it this way!

As Nathan stuffed his rear end full of The Tower's tower, the muscular hero's brain sizzled from the incredible sensation of being fucked!

"It's my theory, Tower, that if your body was to experience the release it has so long been denied, your incredible abilities... might be drained along with your cum!"

As the hero moaned, beside himself in pleasure, he wondered if he had heard The Doctor correctly! Would he really lose his powers if he came!?

But as he felt himself plow Nathan's prostate over and over again, the hero began to despair! There was no way he could fight this! It just felt too good!

"Mr. Quick, why don't you use your hands on your own manhood, boy," ordered The Doctor. "And bring both of you off in one fiery end!"

The idea sounded perfect to Nathan, and soon the young lad's fists were a blur on his own dick, as he rode The Tower to both of their horny shameful defeats!

Feeling the firm grip of a hand on a cock for the first time, was like lightening to The Tower's brain, sending sparks to every fiber of his soul. 

How much he had been missing! 

He groaned for more, as the unfamiliar need for release blossomed inside of him.

Nathan felt it too, for it was his own body that was causing it in them both! Faster and faster the thin smooth soldier bounced on the hero's lap, driving his hole down on The Tower's rigid meat with such force that the wet slaps of his bubble buns on his massive friend's thighs echoed throughout the room.

"Tower! I'm going to cum! I'm going to cum!" cried out Nathan!

"Me too, little buddy! OOOOOooooooooo"

Both hero and sidekick erupted their man batter at the exact same time!

Nathan's load hosed down The Tower's huge muscular chest, while the hero's orgasm flooded into his smaller sidekick's rectum!

The giant man could feel his own sticky goo fill Nathan's interior, and the slimy feel of taking his own load caused him to dump more of his balljuice up his friend's well fucked behind.

When both had finally finished their massive releases, the pair slumped into one another, exhausted from their extreme sexual ordeal. 

But rest was not fated for the duo, as the next phase of The Doctor's plans was about to begin!

"Now!" shouted the madman, "While his body is weak!"

The soldiers that flanked The Tower on all sides were on him in an instant, and the heroic man was immediately buried in a sea of angry, violent men.

The Tower was freed from the steel chair, and unceremoniously thrown to the cement floor.

The weakened superhero could hardly move. 

He had never felt like this before!

Had he just cum!?

The man had honestly thought he would die before he ever experienced a real orgasm! 

And when he now had, it had felt just as wonderful as he had always imagined!

And now, equally just as terrible as well!

It was not some blonde bombshell with whom The Tower had finally gotten his rocks off with!

But instead with Nathan Quick! A man! His sidekick! His friend!

The manly hero felt sick. 

Sick and weak!

And what were these other feelings too?

Was that... cold?

Were those... hands!?

The Tower opened his eyes to see a score of armored men staring down at him, holding his body stretched wide by each limb.

"Quickly! Test him! Test him now!" ordered The Doctor! 

The weakened hero heard the sound of sheers engaged, before seeing giant spinning diamond blades descend toward his body. 

And then the procedure was over!

And one of the soldiers was holding a handful of The Tower's pubic hair!

Nothing should have been able to cut those locks!

But here they now were, free from The Tower's body entirely!

The Doctor's trick had worked! 

The man's orgasm had indeed drained his mighty powers!

The Tower was now vulnerable!

For his own part, the manly stud could only stare in mounting fear at the fistful of hair that had once belonged to him! Never in all his years had the hero once felt in danger before! But the mad doctor had actually done it! The Tower was invincible no more! 

"YES!" cried out The Doctor, gleefully. "I've done it!"

All his years of work had finally come to fruition, and the great hero he had been sent to defeat, was now faltering before him!

"Attach the stimulator! Do it now!" screamed The Doctor becoming manic at his near victory!

"No... no more...." slurred The Tower as he watched a metallic tube fitted over his still wet and throbbing manhood. 

Once the device had fully engulfed the man's cock, an airtight seal could be heard hissing, as it glued itself to the hero's groin. 

"Yes more, Tower! More and more!" taunted The Doctor! "Your body is now weakened, but it has so much farther to go!

The evil scientist then reached down and twerked the captive soldier's nipples once more!

This time, the hero flinched and bucked his hips upwards!

"Arrgggh" yelled out the beautiful hunk at being manhandled so by The Doctor's vile fat greasy hands.

"And your mind Tower! Your mind is in a state of flux!" continued to explain the madman. "I no longer need your sidekick to create your homosexual urges! I can grow them inside you with just a flick of a button!"

The Doctor once again thumbed his remote, and the transuniversal rays once more bombarded the hero's mind!

The men holding him down started to become agonizingly beautiful! 

Their thick jaws! 

Their strong hands! 

The bulges at their crotches! 

The Tower remembered what he had felt with Nathan now returning! 

He wanted these men! 

He wanted to suck them into his mouth! 

He wanted them inside him!

"Noooo," moaned the superhunk as he felt his libido returning once more!

"When I'm threw with you Tower, it won't matter that you will be a helpless weakling!" taunted The Doctor. "Because I am going to convert you into the most submissive faggot the world has ever seen!"

The stimulator around The Tower's cock whirred to life, and tiny metal bristles along its inner lining began to spin around the fleshy spear held inside it!

"Aaaaaa!" screamed the hero as he felt his own cock pleasured for the first time in his life!

But this was no common jerkoff device attached to his dick! The metallic bristles were electrified as well, and as they rotated around the man's sensitive phallus, they shocked his manly glans oh so horrifically exquisitely. 

"Your body will not be given the chance to recover Tower!" laughed The Doctor as he watched the defeated man writhe on the cement floor beneath him. "We will milk you until there's not a drop left of your manly seed in those soon to be useless balls of yours!"

The Tower could only watch as his precious manhood was stimulated red and raw inside the device, while the men above him grew more attractive by the second!


The hero had had no idea!

He wanted it now!

He hated it now!

He groaned for it more!

"And this is going to be the most fun part, Tower. In order to fully imprint your mind with your new sexuality, these men are going to humiliate and disgust you beyond your wildest nightmares! And you are going to get off to every last second of it!"

The Tower was horrified to find himself drooling as the men holding him down began to disrobe, until they too were as equally nude as their hostage!

They were so muscular! 

So hairy! 

So manly!

The Tower groaned once again in a sexual hunger now far beyond that of a normal human. 

He wanted these men so badly! 

He wanted them in ways he could not describe!

He wanted them on him!

In him!

To bind him!

To twist him!

To break him!

"OH FUCK!" bellowed the hapless hero as he shuddered in need, his eyes glued to the faces and bodies of his manly captors.

And then their hands were on their cocks.

And then their cocks were being jerked!

And then long sticky strands of precum began to drip onto his prone body!

"Ugh Ugh Ugh!" grunted the hero as their disgusting slop began to cover his muscular form.

His cock though surged in the stimulator at his groin, shocked by the brushes into a constant painful arousal!

The flurry above him was hypnotizing to the defeated hero! 

Their cocks looked so delicious!

The ooze spilling from them, even more so!

His eyes darted from dick to dick, over and over again, memorizing their beautiful forms, remembering their unique features. Long ones, short ones, fat ones, flared ones... all so enticing in their own individual way!

Ever more spit began to drool down his chin!

And then one came, shooting it's syrupy load all across The Tower's sweaty wet skin.

The feel of one of his conqueror's slimy seed splashing across his frame, sent the poor hero into sexual overload, and the man bucked wildly as his cock erupted inside the stimulator around it.

"Aaaaaaaaaaa!" yelled The Tower as he once again felt the ecstasy of release, for the second time in his life.

Every drop of his manly spunk was immediately sucked away down a long tube, removing his hormone laden semen as far from his body as far as The Doctor could manage!

Then that terrible weakness!

That horrible erotic vulnerability!

The cement beneath him felt colder!

The hands holding him felt rougher!

The viscous seed congealing on his muscles all the more grosser!

"No more!" cried out The Tower, once again reduced to begging. 

It was all too much!

The need inside him was still growing!

The stimulator around his cock still spinning!

The defeated superhero began to vibrate on the floor beneath the soldiers, his muscles spasming as the man's breaking mind lost control of his body entirely.

The stimulation was just too much!

And then another guard came!

And then another!

Over and over the prone body of The Tower was pelted with the sticky wet semen of the men standing above him, until his furry frame was quite literally drenched in their manly seed. 

But The Doctor was not quite done with The Tower yet! He wanted the defeated soldier to feel and know how much these men had personally destroyed the hero! 

Several more guards approached the cum sloppy hunk, this time holding diamond razor blades.

First spreading the viscous goo deliciously over The Tower's sensitive glistening muscles, they next began to shave him of his manly body hair. 

The hero's eyes grew wide!

What were they doing to him!?

"I want you to know Tower, that as you watch these men remove the fur that has made you a real man, that I intend to ensure that it will never regrow again!" laughed The Doctor. "Such will be how weak your body will become, once I am done with you!"

The Tower's head tossed side to side as he felt the agonizingly cold touch of the diamond razors scour his cum wet skin of the body hair that had adorned it his whole life!

He would look like a woman! 

They were stealing his manliness!

Destroying his ego in another clever stroke of domination genius from the mad doctor!

The Tower's cock blossomed with his seed once more, as his brain began to embrace the erotic destruction forced upon his body!

Weaker still!

Wetter still!

Hornier ever more!

Until finally the convulsing hero was as smooth as a bitch, his glistening muscles still damp with the semen of his destroyers!

The Doctor's laughter echoed throughout the underground chamber long into the night.

How long The Tower was made to cum from the stimulator hugging his raw engorged cock, he would never know, his mind consumed with the overwhelming need for the sex his body had been denied for so long. 

Over and over his aching manhood was agonizingly forced to squirt out his ball's syrupy contents, depriving the hero of the hormones that had granted him his invulnerability his whole life. 

The 8 foot tall naked muscled giant writhed in horrible pleasure, grunting and groaning on the floor beneath his captors, both for his ordeal to end, and for it to go on indefinitely. 

"Fuuuuck me," The Tower moaned as his cum soaked, now completely smooth frame spasmed once more as he experienced yet another soul draining release. 

The hero had no idea where he was, or even whom he was. 

The only thing that compelled him now was the drive to orgasm again, and again, while staring at the beautiful soldiers that stood above him, laughing and taunting at his sorry predicament.

Eventually hungry, dripping cocks found their way into his mouth, and the hero thought that maybe this was in fact the happiest he had ever been! Slurping their greasy lengths down his throat, The Tower relished their taste and texture as his tongue swirled around their shafts. Pleasing these men, gave the demolished stud more satisfaction than he had ever even close to have achieved through his once daring heroics!

Once the soldiers in the underground facility had realized the defeated hunk was now too out of it to pose any further danger, they had started to line up to have a go at his mouth. One after the other, they face fucked the cum glistening muscled hunk roughly, pistoning their steel hard erections balls deep into his esophagus before unloading their manly spunk deep into his stomach.

The Tower had never felt full from a meal before in his life. But now the man felt as if his tummy would burst, such was the amount of semen sloshing around inside him! Yet still he had to have more, greedily sucking down every last drop of cum that was squirted into or around his mouth. He had never before eaten anything that even remotely tasted so delicious, and begged for more as soon as one man was done unloading his balljuices inside him. 

On his hands and knees, with his muscled sweaty butt raised into the air, it had not taken long for his rapists to try and fuck his other hole. But much to their chagrin, The Tower's still ample invulnerability kept his anal sphincter clamped shut to all foreign invaders.

Even when using a high powered cattle prod, the soldiers could not zap open the tightly closed anus!  It seemed as if the horny men would have to continue to wait before getting a turn at his hole!

But The Doctor, whom had been content to just sit at his desk, and only observe the rape orgy from a distance, knew that this was the perfect opportunity to break the super hunk's mind ever further.

"Oh Tower," said The Doctor strolling into view as the muscled giant continued to slurp on the cock in front of him, the hero's eyes craning upward to see the large bald man standing above him, gloating.

"I see you've been enjoying our fine dining," laughed the mad scientist as cum spilled from the debased man's lips. 

The Tower only groaned at the horrible truth, shame alone inducing another mighty orgasm from his swollen phallus. 

"But you see these nice gentlemen behind you, also have needs," continued The Doctor with a sinister smile. "Don't you want to make them happy Tower?"

The defeated hero was horrified to find himself nodding slowly in agreement, as he still continued to suck on the leaking cock inside his mouth.

"Then why don't you make it easier on them Tower? Why don't you open your hole for these real men to fuck you like the bitch you are? I bet giving in will make you feel real nice Tower. Really nice indeed."

The Doctors words were somehow very convincing to the fuck addled superhunk, and with all his confused horny concentration, the man flared his anal ring wide!

A cock was shoved up his rear end instantaneously!

The Tower's eyes rolled to the back of his head as his prostate sent arcs of electricity up his spine, as the dick in his ass hammered it repeatedly without mercy. Over and over.

The hero's jaw went slack as his own manhood was forced into stuttering orgasm with each thrust of the man behind him.

The horny naked man in front of him though did not appreciate the lack of attention!

"Fucking bitch!" the soldier spat furiously, "Do I have to do everything myself!"

The man grabbed The Tower by his ears, then began to rabbit hump his greasy rod maniacally down the hero's throat. 

The semen drenched massive giant was being spit roasted! 

And the defeated dogooder couldn't have been happier for it!

The Doctor had been right!

Fucked from both ends, The Tower's mind could not get enough of the shameful degradation! 

Kneeling before his enemies!

Taking their cocks any way he could!

Debasing himself with each opportunity The Doctor offered!

Whatever the evil genius had done to the hero's mind, it was his own will to choose to continue to obey his captors. Nothing before or ever would again give the poor stud so much pleasure!

On and on for hours, the tremendous orgy continued inside the underground facility, with The Tower growing ever weaker by the minute as he continued to service every cock that was presented to his mouth or ass. 

Eventually The Doctor's instruments indicated that the time had come for the final part of his dastardly plan! A piston like device was wheeled up adjacent to The Tower's crotch, holding a huge hypodermic needle directly to the man's balls.

Grabbing the man by his cum dripping blonde hair (the only hair left on his whole body), The Doctor looked directly into the horny weary man's eyes.

"It's time Tower," said the scientist gently. "It's time to give up your charade of being a man, let alone a hero."

Gesturing to the device aimed at the muscle hunk's nuts, The Doctor continued.

"Inside that needle is a mutagen powerful enough to finish the job, Tower. To end your sorry excuse of masculinity once and for all."

Playfully petting the horny man's damp forehead, The Doctor knew his time of victory was now at hand!

"Doesn't that sound nice Tower? To no longer be a man?"

The hero groaned in heat. The erotic feelings swelling inside him from even thinking such thoughts dooming him to what was to come. 

"It will only take one more release, slave. One more climax, and you won't have to worry about manhood ever again."

The Doctor ordered the guards away from the hero, leaving him unfucked for the first time in hours. 

Still on his hands and knees, The Tower searched the madman's face for what to do next.

"I want you to will yourself to your last orgasm Tower. I want you to cum from only your desire to lose. To never have a cock again!"

The hero's mind ached from yet another terribly humiliating task from The Doctor, but his body urged him to obey nonetheless. He couldn't do it could he? He couldn't give in to this final demand! It was just too far.

But something inside the hunk, knew he was too horny to care anymore. It must be done! 

Deep down, he wanted to know how good it felt to lose so irrevocably so!

Scrunching his face in concentration, the once invincible hero tried to cum from using only his will alone. 

The defeated man began to breathe heavily.

He thought of hairy ballsacks.

He thought of rigid cocks.

He thought of sticky wet semen.

The Tower's tower began to tremble one last time. 

He thought of Nathan Quick's attractive lithe form.

He thought of the guard's powerful strong muscles.

He thought of The Doctor's huge bulging weight.

The Tower's seed began to rise inside the length of his member, the outside still endlessly stimulated by the electric bristles whirring around it.

And finally the hero thought of himself.

Once so hairy, now cum soaked and smooth.

Once so mighty, now begging to serve the men around him.

Once a Tower, now only a lowly bitch.

The studly hero came one last time!

The needle punctured his skin as his power's waned just enough to ensure his defeat.

And the mutagen was injected inside.

The Tower screamed. 

He had never felt such pain!

His cock, his manhood, felt as if on fire!

The flesh undulated. 



Until in only a few mere moments, his dick was gone.

In its place was now a pussy!

A mancunt.

Nothing but another hole to be fucked.

The bitch that had once been The Tower could only stare at his new pussy at it continued to belch out the last of the remaining cocksnot that had ended its own existence. 

The Doctor knew it was now time to take his turn with the slave.

Disrobing, the obese scientist's own hefty cock was finally let free, waggling into the view of the man whom now had none.

With his soldier's holding the bitch upright, The Doctor stepped forward, his manhood entering the slut's new cunt as he did.

The new cunted bitch started to quake in ecstasy as his new pussy wrapped around the fat cock of The Doctor.

Nothing the once-man had ever felt before had ever felt so good!

His new cunt felt better than his defeated cock ever did, and the bitch knew he had finally found his place in the world. Not as a hero, but as a cum coated, cunted slave.

Pussy juices dripped down the giant's muscular legs as his body was to be wracked by endless waves of orgasms, as long as any cock was inside it. 

"Enjoying being my slave, cuntboy?" queried The Doctor with a horrible grin. "I made sure your new pussy would give you thousands of time more pleasure than your pathetic cock ever could."

With The Doctor's greasy fat pole wedged deep inside him, the new bitch could only continue to quiver in ecstasy at the man whom had so thoroughly defeated the man no one had thought could be. 

His powers were now forever gone.

The bitch would never be The Tower again.

The Doctor's fuck was slow and steady.

A victory lap for the ages.

With every thrust of the fat man's hips, his wide sausage would ram into the squishy went cunt of his new conquest, sending the defeated dogooder spiraling in waves of ecstasy. Drool spilled from the once-man's mouth as his body adapted itself lovingly to its new form. 

Eventually The Doctor came, unloading his victorious semen inside his new slave. 

As he felt the sickly wet feel of cum flood into his new cavity, the never-hero felt his new cunt contort and undulate as it milked the phallus inside it for all it was worth. 

Still not quite done with his victim, the sadistic doctor had one last gift for the vanquished hero.

"I want you to understand cuntslave. That this is what you are to me. That this is what you are to these men. And that the world will watch what has become of you, as you cum from what I am about to do next."

With The Doctor's manhood still inside the slave's new pussy, the triumphant man began to urinate a whole bladders worth of piss deep inside his defeated foe.

Feeling the hot golden liquid gush into his cunt, the manbitch's eyes grew wide in terrible overloaded shame. It burned the sensitive interior linings of his newest hole, and sent the bitchman over the edge once more into quaking, visible orgasms.

The Doctor leaned forward and kissed his victim as he continued to piss inside the defeated hero. 

The evil scientist had been true to his word. 

Videos of The Tower's loss circled the globe within hours.

And the criminal organization that had arranged his defeat was free to terrorize the world once more.

The legend of The Tower was forever shattered!

Not a soul alive could think of what had happened to the hero, and think of him in respect or adulation.

The manliest man alive, had in the end, been nothing but a cuntbitch.

The man had begged for it.

The man had whined for it.

And finally, the man had not been a man any longer. 

No one knew exactly what became of both him, and his sidekick next.

Eventually other videos surfaced.

Of Nathan Quick being forced to fuck his best friend's vagina.

Of them both serving the cocks of the criminal men whom had thwarted them both so thoroughly.

Of them making out with each other, drenched in the semen of the truer men whom had so unquestionably won.

The Tower had fallen.

