The Importance of Gender To Story

 Greetings. Fin here. A bit of warning in advance... this post has a fair amount of hypothesizing in it. I believe there may be a lot of truth here, but it is indeed mostly just my own analysis, and should be taken as so.

Okay. So where to begin.

I think there are two primary components to being human. One is biology. The other is the environment that "raises" the human and essentially infects them with everything they know. Knowledge, culture, conditioning to what is normal as behavior. 

And the way humans acquire this second part, is to write everything they see and experience into a coherent logical story in their brain, until they "know" it. 

 "The hand is connected to the arm. And together they write this sentence." 

 And this is how language, knowledge, and learning are all so intricately inseparable. They just can't really exist without the other. 

So then, it stands to reason, that some humans (through their biology) may have the ability to acquire certain "sentences" much more easily than others. 

The "story" makes a lot more sense to them and their "biology."

Okay... that's a lot of conjecture to get to my real point. And what I'm trying to say is that I believe there is a strong chance that gay men and women do not synthesize the story of the modern world (and everything that goes along with it) nearly as easily as their straight counterparts. The "story" does not make sense to them. Like at all. Their biology does not naturally understand what they are viewing in the same way as their straight peers. These stories are obviously not written for them, and in the end, I wonder on the consequences. 

What's potentially interesting here is that this is because gender is far more important to the biological acquisition of a "story" than race or other large defining character traits. To say it less delicately, a human of African descent should be able to synthesize a story of another race much more easily on average than a gay human can synthesize a story of another sexuality. 

Biology recognizes gender so much more strongly than race in the end. 

I'm probably not alone in believing that one of the original "sentences" or "stories" is... "Man has sex with woman." 

Have you seen that one? I've been meaning to get around to watching it for the 124893534352 time myself. It is in fact maybe the most common story, and it is hard to not see it anywhere you look. 

Save the princess. Care for the family. Aren't boobies boobilicious?

We tell this story to ourselves and to the new generations constantly. And we should continue to. It's who we are... in a very weird, literal way. 

But to explain the importance of gender to story to a straight person, ask them if they think they would enjoy the world's current movies/tv/music/video games if it was primarily about gay men having sex instead. Would your favorite movie... still be your favorite movie? Would you even understand the world at all, in a very basic way? And to be clear, if your answer is what I think it is, it means gender is again obviously more important than race to story. 

This then brings up a lot of questions about what straight stories are doing to gay humans, and is indeed, talking on the dangerous subject of "imprinting." This is because for the longest time, right up until exactly now and not ending, gay humans are dismissed as either not real at all, or basically raped into existence as their only means of creation. Basically, that being gay has nothing to do with biology.

And it is true in some ways. Environment does play a large role in ALL our sexualities. 

A human raised alone on an abandoned world will be a...   ... I actually don't know what they would be...if they've never seen another human besides themselves. 

A true scientist should be able to stare down oblivion unblinking, to be able to understand any truth regardless of the inconvenience to oneself it may present at any time, and be able to rationally discuss any topic devoid of emotions when the need arises, so I try not to flinch at socially charged subjects when they require analysis, and in the end I believe this training has served me well. Even when creating art. And I do emotionally love art, and use that as well when creating it.  

But whatever, back to the subject at hand.

"Imprinting" is in some way real, and so I will continue to discuss its relation to stories even if the subject itself has been so easily historically misconstrued by those with an agenda other than truth, peace, and the American way. And in the end the complex interactions of biology and environment can just be easily reduced to... straight-likely humans, and gay-likely humans, and there isn't much to fear in the end from discussing this subject. 

So anyways, gender interactions, maybe the most important character aspects to story (remember the original story sentence?) other than maybe the characters being dead, is way off for gay human viewers.

So what do straight stories do to gay humans? Let's look closer at that basic story implementation.

The man kisses the woman. 

A gay man wants to be kissing the man. 

But only the woman kisses the man. 

So if the biology forces an identification at some point here (at any point in the human's life) on these two characters in the story, who does the gay man auto biology choose to perhaps want to be? The man kissing the woman, who looks more like him? Or the woman kissing the man, who meets the gay man's goals. And then there's the just as important, none at all identification. And the none at all, should occur much more often for a gay human watching a straight story. 

Every one of these choices results in an off natural story acquisition for the gay human (which can be defined as whatever normally occurs when a straight person watches a straight story), and in the end they will be affected far differently as a result. And whatever other elements to this story might be there, and these teach the range in human existence and interaction... consider them potentially off acquired or harder to acquire as well.

So... what does this mean?

Maybe it could mean that a gay man watching straight romances constantly from our culture may be as healthy as forcing a straight man to watch gay romances their whole life and then asking if they would have turned out the same as the straight men from our world. Maybe it just doesn't work that way, and shouldn't be expected to.

It also means that if gender story acquisition is fully understood, it can be used to engineer a human's behavioral development. 

For example...

So much hatred towards gays comes from the dislike of their physical appearances and mannerisms. And as some sort of true biological/behavioral outlier... there isn't going to be all that much done to change that for gay humans... we are what we are... unusual to the norm. 

Many whom see this as the problem itself (including many gay men and women)  may try and use story to create gay men and women whom act or look differently than the current population, perhaps with the goal of making them more gender adherent. Would that not save everyone a lot of hassle in the end if the gays were a bit more... straight in behavior and look?

Another way to use story to engineer a population, may be to reduce the amount of gay-likely humans that end up as gay adults. Somehow, I can easily imagine that being someone's goals. Fortunately, I'm not sure exactly how to do that without drastically effecting straight culture in supremely negative ways..,. and just between you and me, I'm not going to spend much more time thinking on any further solutions of this kind. They are all rather cost ineffective and/or inhumane in the very breath of their concept. 

In the end, some sort of acceptance of the status quo of the humans and their many oddly odd ways, is the clear rational solution. There is in the end, no correct way to be alive. Clearly, in the very least, when no one else is being harmed. And with the world still on the brink of many clear perils, trying to create a population that somehow pleases a personal aesthetic condition, seems to be a waste of everyone's time and should be thought on as such. 

I myself started to learn art/story when I realized the power it can have on a population, and the clear need of the gays to have more of the culture availability that their straight counterparts routinely enjoy. But my personal goals remain a bit less specific than any of the ones discussed above. 

I just want the gays to be happy. I want them to be successful. Maybe story can do it.



  1. "What do straight stories do to gay humans?" is my new favorite. It really puts the foot on the other boot, you know...


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