Why Gay Men Exist

Believe it or not, but I'm a published author in Nature. It was in my previous lifetime, but that was only several years ago now. When I first began to make art, I said I would always try to educate on the science of homosexuality whenever I had the chance...a subject I find woefully misunderstood when talked on.

There's always too much "utility" discussed for the reason evolution has selected gay men and women to continue to exist. For some reason, the nonbreeding concept of gay men and women becomes the intellectual challenge for why they simply cannot "be." So when theories are touted to combat such beliefs, they usually cite how nonbreeding members of a population can contribute to the whole by helping with the group's overall survival. Kin selection. 

But in reality, this is so dumb. So beyond dumb. If any scientist tells you this directly....look for a better scientist. 

Can you imagine any other minority making the argument that they can be "useful" to the majority as the reason they deserve equality in a society. I'm sorry, but addressing this misunderstanding of genetics with "But we can be useful!" is so woefully misguided that it creates the perception that those around us can even begin to have the right to judge our equality. 

They do not. 

We are Americans. We are humans. We have our equality as equals no matter what anyone ever tells you.

Furthermore, we are not here to make the majority happy. Any belief in that is beyond unAmerican to its very core.

The far closer law/idea that covers gender variations is in fact, The Americans Disability Act. Rarely in law is there such a "scientific understanding" that genetic differences should be a protected class of citizens. And I believe that the idea that there needs to be an identified "gay" gene has prevented this route to be tackled. Again, this is in fact a wrong view of genetics.

The real reason gay men and women exist is NOT kin selection, with some unknown "gay" gene lingering to be found. 

The real reason gay men and women continue to exist is because their presence (created through a variety of different mutations or genetic/environment interactions) has not been significantly deleterious to cause evolution to create a route to prevent them in the first place, over and over again. Far from it actually. 

In evolution, variation is KING. Gender is subject to the same variation causing mechanisms that every other trait is subjected to during meiosis. It is in no way special just because humans like to think of gender as a bimodal distribution with all datapoints existing at exactly the two means. 

The reason why gay men and women exist is no mystery whatsoever.

Women carry the trait of "attracted to men" in the overall population. Conversely men carry the trait of "attracted to women" in the overall population.

Now that we know such traits are indeed stored within the population, we do not need to identify the exact gene or genes responsible to absolutely know that they exist.  And now that we know these traits exist, they should be expected to be subjected to all the variation biology can manage, including men that display such a phenotype usually found in women, or women that have the attraction usually found in men. 

If you understand genetics, it would be far weirder universe if gay men and women did not exist. They should exist by theory, and lo and behold, they do when we look at the universe. 

There is something around a 0.5% chance that any new baby born will be intergender. Gender mutations are real. Every doctor knows this. And to understand where the law is off, you have to realize the doctor is still required to mark male or female on the birth certificate. That baby is in fact neither. It is both. 

It is a misconception that law has introduced into reality so inherit to many's thoughts, that it is still an issue in marriage law. What the birth certificate says. A certificate that is artificially limited to not include all of reality, should have no further bearing on anyone's reasoning on what gender is. It is a lie. An error in thought propagated systematically. 



  1. A very well-written explanation of why we exist.

    1. Thank you! I somehow feel that all gay men should be told exactly how easily explainable and beyond normal we are. Are tall humans told they are a bizarre, baffling mystery?

      But since we do not create our own, the normal minority route to do such is not available or far more difficult. And as of yet.. we still seem to be struggling to tell a truth to ourselves that has been known since Mendel. These are related.

      Did you come to this website for entertainment? Haha. I worry I'm a real buzzkill sometimes. lol. Oh well. :)

    2. I don't think it's necessarily wrong for scientists to investigate if homosexuality has any potentially positive benefits. We know that in many primates (us included) same sex interactions can be beneficial for group cohesion and bonding, and enhanced intimacy between individuals, and including sexual same sex interactions

      That said, even if it had no positive benefits, it's not harmful. Legally, and morally, we are not bad or deleterious for being queer. And just because we may engage in non-reproductive activities sexually doesn't mean we're harmful, as we can still procreate if we so choose to do so (provided no fertility issues which we are not subject to at any increased rates compared to cishets).

      Basically, we're here, we're queer, get used to it :)

    3. Thank you for visiting! And for commenting!

      In fact, I agree. Not much, if anything, should be wrong to question or investigate.

      However, I do feel it creates a burden that many other minorities are not asked to meet in any way whatsoever.

      I also feel it does complicate the issue needlessly when the current state of affairs seems to be closer to needing to communicate that there is indeed a valid scientific explanation for homosexuality. And this can be done without "utility", as the base underlying reasons do not require it.

      Finally, tangentially related to your comment.. I find animal studies searching for homosexual examples to be extremely worthless. There is absolutely no way hundreds of millions of humans worldwide are lying. Also the blind study proof exists with internet use.

      I've watched many court cases.. and too many said none of this... :/


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