
Showing posts from August, 2024

Why Gay Men Exist

Believe it or not, but I'm a published author in Nature. It was in my previous lifetime, but that was only several years ago now. When I first began to make art, I said I would always try to educate on the science of homosexuality whenever I had the chance...a subject I find woefully misunderstood when talked on. There's always too much "utility" discussed for the reason evolution has selected gay men and women to continue to exist. For some reason, the nonbreeding concept of gay men and women becomes the intellectual challenge for why they simply cannot "be." So when theories are touted to combat such beliefs, they usually cite how nonbreeding members of a population can contribute to the whole by helping with the group's overall survival. Kin selection.  But in reality, this is so dumb. So beyond dumb. If any scientist tells you this directly....look for a better scientist.  Can you imagine any other minority making the argument that they can be "

The Importance of Gender To Story

 Greetings. Fin here. A bit of warning in advance... this post has a fair amount of hypothesizing in it. I believe there may be a lot of truth here, but it is indeed mostly just my own analysis, and should be taken as so. Okay. So where to begin. I think there are two primary components to being human. One is biology. The other is the environment that "raises" the human and essentially infects them with everything they know. Knowledge, culture, conditioning to what is normal as behavior.  And the way humans acquire this second part, is to write everything they see and experience into a coherent logical story in their brain, until they "know" it.   "The hand is connected to the arm. And together they write this sentence."   And this is how language, knowledge, and learning are all so intricately inseparable. They just can't really exist without the other.  So then, it stands to reason, that some humans (through their biology) may have the ability to acq

The Problem with Rainbows

 Rainbows are ugly. There. I said it. If a clown vomited, it may in fact look exactly like… a rainbow. Now I routinely use rainbow motifs in my art, and plan to continue to do so. It is a symbol within the gay community with so much meaning and history, that you just can’t really do without it. Not only does a color spectrum nicely describe the variety of humans contained within both the gay community and all humans in general, but it also can serve as a decent muse to remind you of what colors you currently aren’t using in your work. And while I myself may struggle with rainbows at times, there are far better artists out there than me, and I know they can make it work for them just fine. But all that aside, I still feel this luminous symbol is worthy of a discussion nonetheless. Specifically, why it might be a strategic mistake to assault heterosexuals visually with rainbows when trying to engage with them. No one likes to be assaulted with rainbows. No one. 0_0 If I remember

Gay Heroes

 I think the first idea that pops into anyone’s head when trying to help a minority through art is… have you tried superheroes? When I first tried to learn how to write after the 2008 election (Prop. 8), this was indeed the first idea I had as well. And it’s literally what I’m still creating now. I just call them action heroes though, as I believe there is fundamentally no difference, and the latter is far more recognized as legitimate. Over the years I have taken particular note of what other artists are trying in terms of gay heroes, from the comic book artists, to the big budget blockbusters, and I think my observations are interesting enough to warrant a blog entry. What does a gay hero team look like to a queer liberal comic book artist? Diverse. Eclectic. Penile counts way below 50% for most of them. Hair colors unnatural at above 100… somehow. Often “power” based universes with low emphasis on mysteries or reveals. Not genre fans. I find that bizarro… but whatever, it’s

Xoo! Artist's Forward!

 It's Stallions vs. Bears vs. Tentacles at the Xoo! I created Xoo! while I was learning to draw, but halted working on it to finish The Brothers Rugby instead. It definitely has more hardcore content than my other works so far, and I could use the traffic, so I thought it might be worth it to return to. Haha.  I really think the gifs add where my art alone may still leave a lot wanting. I may try and continue their use in the future. Some are rather hypnotizing if you ask me. :) I also tried to make tentacle scenes that I've never seen or read before as the majority of its content. The results were rather unique/bizarre. That's not a bad thing though. Maybe someone out there will like it! Thanks for reading and please check out my other works on this blog! -Fin

The Brothers Rugby... final analysis

I created The Brothers Rugby while learning to draw. Finally, after a long time of feeling the lack of it, I can make visual images on demand of relative use. It's like I have resources that were not available until I gained this capability. Bare minimum use, as it were, but maybe they can suffice in quality enough. My estimation still remains I'd have orders of magnitude less chance of reaching an audience without the pornographic content. I am doing this on my own, so make every shot count. As it is now on hiatus though, my attention is now on games. A board game, and an extremely large video game of its style. As gay men, I think we may well need some balls of fire in order to survive in this world. I hope to have the chance to share mine. I still feel the answer for a male population that will have fewer ties than their straight counterparts should be a strong (and prideful about it) sexual art culture (which basically means to me Heavy Metal), and a societal media system t

Mature Content

 Okay so... if you are here, you may have noticed the adult content in my art. Let's assume you did. 0_0 When I first began to try and make gay art, the goal was to create art that was a match for the one's being created by the straight world but with all gay characters, themes, and messages. In such a way, gays could benefit from whatever may be in the world of art that we may not be acquiring as is. So I wrote westerns, and horror movies, and sci fi, and all the like.  At least that was my filmmaking attempt, and it didn't quite go anywhere. As I've thought on the subject a bit more, and am trying to create art and games this time, I've retooled my focus a bit to include much more sex. There are a few reasons for this.  One is that I believe that gay men should in the end have art focused on their interests moreso than just taking the ad hoc straight world and porting it over.  Another is that I am just one dude. And if I am going to give this a try, I might as we

Why Make Gay Art?

  Hello there! And welcome to my blog! My name is Fin and I hope to share with you the art I am creating for gay men. I have many projects currently in the works, and maybe you'll like one of them! I tried to be a screenwriter of gay films for several years but did not meet much success. I have recently tried my hand at drawing though. I'm not the best, but I am trying my hardest because I believe that gay men deserve better... in pretty much every way they can get.   Better art. Better lives. A better world that is built for them just as much as it is built for their straight counterparts. I strongly believe the pleiotropic effects of a rich collective unconscious can have vast "freakonomic-like" changes on a given population, and I would like to do my part to help.  I want you to live in a world where you can go to a theater and have a selection of 10 blockbuster action films just for gay men every Friday. I suspect that for most of us gay men, we have no idea