The Brothers Rugby... final analysis

I created The Brothers Rugby while learning to draw. Finally, after a long time of feeling the lack of it, I can make visual images on demand of relative use. It's like I have resources that were not available until I gained this capability. Bare minimum use, as it were, but maybe they can suffice in quality enough. My estimation still remains I'd have orders of magnitude less chance of reaching an audience without the pornographic content. I am doing this on my own, so make every shot count. As it is now on hiatus though, my attention is now on games. A board game, and an extremely large video game of its style. As gay men, I think we may well need some balls of fire in order to survive in this world. I hope to have the chance to share mine.

I still feel the answer for a male population that will have fewer ties than their straight counterparts should be a strong (and prideful about it) sexual art culture (which basically means to me Heavy Metal), and a societal media system that supports it. That seems to be a world worth wanting to continue to live in for adult men... one that contains continual regulated interval releases of the "coolest" and the "sexiest". And that seems to be a world that would also make the most sense in its management. You can not make humans what they are not, and if you find yourself trying, you should ask if you're doing them more harm in the end. 

Straight humans currently enjoy a world that provides for many of their needs, while allowing themselves a high degree of cognitive dissonance. Different companies create the movies, and different companies create the porn, and everyone is okay with this system, as long as everyone still gets it all. In the end society operates by having both companies rely on each other's existence implicitly to meet the sum total needs of the culture they serve. This can be more directly observed in the known desire to foster and encourage fanbases to create their own adult content, allowing the business to harness the "sexual enthusiasm" for their products while maintaining a clean image internal to their business.

As a scientist, I think it is insane to not believe you produce that pornographic content nearly yourself, if you are knowingly and intendingly making use of its existence as part of your business strategy.

When I look at reality, when I look at the content and media distribution of an average man's day, and when I look at what my goals are in this idea of trying to assist an art culture, I can't help but think that a course set to match what is used, is not only the most reasonable strategy to succeed.. but moreso, just a sane one personally .. then taking one coming from a world built to artificially quarantine its needs for its own desire for the aforementioned continuation of its cognitive dissonance.

Humans suffer when there's that much insanity floating around. Insanity viewed as sane. Insanity viewed as physics. 

