Mature Content

 Okay so... if you are here, you may have noticed the adult content in my art. Let's assume you did. 0_0

When I first began to try and make gay art, the goal was to create art that was a match for the one's being created by the straight world but with all gay characters, themes, and messages. In such a way, gays could benefit from whatever may be in the world of art that we may not be acquiring as is. So I wrote westerns, and horror movies, and sci fi, and all the like.  At least that was my filmmaking attempt, and it didn't quite go anywhere.

As I've thought on the subject a bit more, and am trying to create art and games this time, I've retooled my focus a bit to include much more sex. There are a few reasons for this. 

One is that I believe that gay men should in the end have art focused on their interests moreso than just taking the ad hoc straight world and porting it over. 

Another is that I am just one dude. And if I am going to give this a try, I might as well make the art that may reach more. And right now gay men have a fairly large sex culture, and I do not really see much reason to try and change that. Men like to have sex, and I really think it may be best to go with a flow a bit on this one, and create art that matches what is currently sought after. *shrug*

And finally, I've included a lot of sex because sex is in no way bad whatsoever, and I hope that gay men continue to believe such a fact in the years ahead. I've lived long enough to learn to fear a sex phobic culture to last until my death, most likely.  And for whatever it is worth, in my current project, The Brothers' Rugby... 3/4 of the pictures do not feature any hardcore content. While only the fourth does. I feel like it's a fair mix actually, considering the content of films/culture/reality. Oh well. 

And so anyways, I thus named myself Fin. It is of course a reference to a gay artist of a previous era who was creating similar content. We as gay men often do not have nearly as many close associations as our more family fated friends. So how do we carry on our history? How do we continue on a culture indefinitely in the same fashion as those around us? These are questions we should ask ourselves. I myself, decided to go with Fin. 
